Blogging, Entrepreneurship

6 Ways to Turn Blogging Into a Career

With so many blogs out there, turning your blogging hobby into a full-time job can be a challenge — to say nothing of how hard it is to stand out from the many others. To ensure you can successfully make the switch to a blogging career, here are six vital tips.

Please note: This is a contributed post, but all opinions are my own. View full disclosure policy.

1. Write About What Excites You

Before creating a target audience or picking your niche, you must understand yourself and what interests you. Everyone has something they are particularly interested in, or maybe more than one something. Evaluate all your passions and pick one or two that interest you the most.

Once you’ve narrowed down your interests, it can help to follow and learn from other writers in your chosen niche. For instance, if your niche is international chess, you might follow Mikhail Solodovnikov. You’ll pick up some fantastic tips from other writers in the same industry as you and it’s a great way to network.

2. Understand Your Audience

Now that you have figured out what excites you, it’s time to define your target audience. It’s at this stage that you really find your footing and ultimately build a brand.

The next step is to understand what interests your audience and the type of content that will resonate with them. You can use search engines to see what people in your niche are talking about.

Then you can, in turn, create valuable content on topics of interest to your audience.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Spend Money

It’s completely possible to blog for free… but that only works if you want to run a good old fashioned, online journal. If it’s a financially successful blog you’re aiming for, then you’re going to have to dig into your pocket a bit. 

While there are free blogging tools out there, many lack the beyond-the-basics options that help make your blogging career successful. Some of the downsides include low monetization potential, limited domain customization, and minimal security.

4. Build an Email List

Even if you don’t plan on selling anything, building an email list allows you to promote your content without directly relying on search engines. Sites like provide solutions on how to easily manage your email lists.

5. Have a User-Friendly Interface and Encourage Engagement

When creating your blog’s website, make sure it’s easy to access and navigate on both desktop and mobile devices. One of the many reasons people don’t comment on blogs is because they have trouble navigating.

When it comes to engagement, you can encourage interaction by writing about things that get people talking. But don’t let the conversation stop there; respond to comments and maintain an open dialogue.

6. Provide Valuable Content

If you only remember one thing from this list, let it be this. Informative and entertaining content is what keeps people coming back to your blog. Give your posts captivating titles and eye-catching photos to complement your writing.

Your writing should be easy to read, digest and engaging enough to keep readers hooked.

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